I did the mix and sound restoration for this South American film, its LA Spanish title is: Musica para un film Perdido. It has recently received a special award for restoration at the 21st International Festival of Short Films in Sao Paulo. (Other prizes that films I have been working on have won can be seen under the ‘Prizes’ Tab on the top of this site.) The film will be released for distribution via the BFI on the first of November. The information below is from the director Luciano Zubillaga’s website.
El Huerco (which means death, abandonment and hell) was the first experimental film made in Venezuela*. The film has since been lost. All that remains is the original music, the film script, discarded footage, and the memories of those who saw the film over forty years ago.
Music For A Missing Film traces the spiritual and material remnants of the lost film, exploring the aesthetics of film restoration, reconstruction and montage in the context of fading collective cultural memory.
“Such greatness! can you believe it? it’s lost. The most glorious piece of Venezuelan filmmaking and it doesn’t exist. We’re inventing it, making it, reassembling it…based upon three things: a script, its music and some lost memories. Memories of an old world, that lost its memory.”
Rodolfo Izaguirre
Writer and Film Critic