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Coalition Of The Willing


Coalition of the Willing is defined in its site as ‘An animated film about an online war against global warming in a post-Copenhagen world.’

The animation has been completed by a collective of animators  completing sections  co-ordinated by  Producer/Director Simon Robson (Knife Party) and  Activist Tim Rayner.

Click on this Link  Coalition Of The Willing to be taken to the site- check it out and learn more about the project. You’re in for a treat!

Coalition Of The Willing from coalitionfilm on Vimeo.

Just incase you missed it when it came out 2005s  The Knife Parties ‘What Barry Says’ (Embeded below) is also well worth checking out.

Nb nothing you hear in ‘Coalition Of The Willing’ or ‘What Barry Says’  links is my work! I worked with Simon when doing the sound effects edit on the animated sections on Taking liberties and helped out by recording some temp VO for the Knife party animated sections of ‘The Coalition..’.

Just thought I’d give him and everyone else involved a plug as I really like the project.